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Buzzin' about with Vanessa Miller

Thank you for allowing me to spotlight you on All the Buzz! It is truly a pleasure.

First, tell me about your new release, Through the Storm?

Through the Storm is a suspense Thriller which deals with the power of prayer and God’s ability to help us through the storms of life. It is a fast paced book that will have readers in suspense until the last few pages of the book.

Is there a story about the writing of this book that just begs to be told?

Yes there is. When I first started Through The Storm I new I wanted the book to be a suspense Thriller and fast paced. However, while writing the book I attended a Prayer Journey at my church. The experience was so powerful that I knew I had to share it with my readers. So, Through The Storm became much more than a suspenseful novel – it became a novel that will truly speak to the reader’s heart.

Where do you get the ideas for your books?

I get ideas for my books many different ways: A sermon at church, a movie, a conversation, a newspaper article. I have no shortage of ideas for books, which is a good thing since I plan to write at least a hundred books.

What is your writing process like?

I normally write from about 9 in the morning until about 4 in the afternoon. However, if I am really engrossed in a story, I will write from sun up to sun down. I need complete quiet when I am at the beginning stages of creating my novel. I also write best at home. If I tried to write at Starbucks, like some authors do, I wouldn’t even get a page done.

When you write, what lessons do you take away from your stories?

My novels deal with issues such as forgiveness, unconditional love, God’s grace, the power of prayer and so on… needless to say, I am always learning something about myself when I write my books. For instance, when I wrote Latter Rain which deals with forgiveness I dealt with this very same issue and had to let God mend my heart and help me to forgive --- even when I felt as if I had been done wrong.

What is the motivation behind your writing?

I think about God’s people as I write my books. I want each of my books to touch the hearts of God’s people in such a way that they begin to draw ever closer to Him.

What is the best thing that has happened to you during, or because of, your writing career?

I would have to say that the best thing that has happened to me because of my writing career is the knowledge that I am in God’s will. Every time someone tells me that their relationship with God has grown stronger after reading one of my novels, I hear God saying to me, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

When you’re not writing, what authors do you enjoy reading? What are you currently reading?

I read a lot, but I wouldn’t say that I have a favorite author right now. I like Christian fiction and suspense Thrillers. Currently, I am reading Million Dollar Dilemma by Judy Baer and Battle of Jericho by Kendra Norman-Bellamy.

What can readers expect next from you?

The new book I’m working on is FORSAKEN. It is a story of a pastor who lost his way and longs for redemption. I’m excited about this book, I think my readers will truly enjoy it. Forsaken is due out in October 2009.

Thank you again for chatting with me on All the Buzz. I wish you continued success!

And thank you. I appreciate the fact that you would take the time to interview me. Much success and God’s blessings to you.


To find out more about Vanessa and her books, visit her online at

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