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Happy New Year!

Happy new year! It is my prayer for everyone who reads this post that this year all of your dreams will be realized, and that God will continue to bless you beyond measure.

Last year was a rough year for me, in more ways than one. And I will admit it took its toll on me, physically and mentally. There were many days where I wondered if it was all worth it. But every time I got that feeling, I received encouragement in so many different forms - emails, phone calls, instant messages, and especially the word of God. It took a while, but I finally realized that I was not trusting God in everything, and only calling on Him when I had screwed up my life, and not consulted Him on everything. But thankfully, I serve an awesome, powerful, loving and forgiving God who kept me, carried me and provided for me when I didn't see a way out of no way.

I try not to make resolutions because I know that I'm not very good at at keeping them.
But this coming year, I've decided to really make some lifestyle changes, not only for the new year year, but for the rest of my life.

Here's what has and will transpire:

Get my spiritual life completely back on track because without God I am nothing
I'm done trying to play God and being the solution to everyone's problems (which is really stressful to me and taking a toll on my health)
I'm done being a doormat to everyone, letting them walk all over me with no regards to my feelings
I am going to get my health under control by losing weight through diet and exercise

I also quit my 2nd job at Lane Bryant. I just started it about 3 weeks ago, but quickly realized that my it was more stress and strain on my body that I did not need, in more ways than one. And while I hated to give it up for obvious financial reasons, I must do what I have to do to take care of me, because I am just as important as everyone else.

One last thing that I plan to do is finally give the concentration to my business endeavors that is needed to make them succeed.

I'm praying that this year will be my best year yet, and that each year only gets better and better, and I pray the same for you.


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