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An interview with Donna Hill

Good afternoon Donna! Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. It is truly a pleasure to get the chance to speak with a literary icon such as yourself.

First, what does a normal day in the life of Donna Hill consist of?

A normal day! LOL What is that? Well, I get up at 6 to wake my very slow moving son so he can get ready for school. Once he is finally out of the house, I usually make my requisite pot of coffee, turn on the news, feed the dog and the cat and watch the Today show for about 15 minutes. Then I get ready for my day at the Borough President’s Office where I am a speech and proclamation writer. After a grueling day of “putting words into other people’s mouths,” I come home do everything in reverse, zone out on TV for a while( if one of my “shows” are on), check emails, blogs, do some posting and on a really good day, I actually get some writing done. I’m usually in bed by 11, more often than not, later.

What fueled your desire to be a writer?

I guess it would be that reading fueled my imagination. I’ve always been a reader from Greek mythology to classic romances, murder and mystery, some non-fiction. And my aunt who recently passed away was a teacher. She always made sure I had a book to read. I started creating my own worlds in grammar school, writing love letters for my girlfriends to give to their boyfriends. LOL. (had a regular racket going!) Then in my teens I began writing poetry. My first published short story was actually in Black Romance Magazine while Nathasha Brooks Harris was the editor. It was Nathasha who encouraged and insisted that I start writing a novel and stuck with me until I did. Not sure where I would be if she didn’t give me that extra push of encouragement.

You started out as a romance writer, but have also published novels in the mainstream and mystery/suspense genres. Which genre do you prefer and why?

I actually prefer mainstream fiction and that is only because I have a much wider landscape upon which to write. There are no specific guidelines or rules. I can explore issues and people in a different way and I don’t have to have a happily ever after if I choose not to. To be truthful, romances are hard as hell to write—good ones that is. It’s extremely difficult to stay within the boundaries, include the must-haves and wrap it all up in a bow, time after time after time and still be original. It's not easy.

Why did you choose to venture into writing in other genres?

As a writer, at least for me, you want to stretch and explore different avenues with your writing. I was fortunate in that I had a editor and Kensington, Karen Thomas who saw the direction that my romances were going in and she gave me a chance to write my first mainstream title, IF I COULD, which came out in 2000. And ever since then I’ve been able to do romance, mainstream, mystery, paranormal etc.

Do any of your characters mirror you or anyone close to you?

LOL. Neither me nor my friends and family are half as interesting as my characters. And I truly hope that I don’t know anyone like Tess, and Nikki and Kim from Getting Hers and Wicked Ways! LOL. But seriously, I don’t write “about myself” or my friends and family. What I write about are people. But as a writer you based everything that you write on some reality. My characters will never “be” my sister, but they may have her hairstyle, or her job. My male character would never “be” my man or my dad, but they may have their height or mannerisms.

Who are some of your favorite authors, and do they influence your work at all?

My list is long…. Bernice McFadden, Tina McElroy Ansa, Daniel Black, Deborah Johnson, Victoria Christopher Murray, Lolita Files, Colin Channer, Gwynne Forster, Mary Monroe, James Patterson, Jeffrey Deaver, Patricia Cornwell, Rochelle Alers, Francis Ray, Percival Everette, Diane McKinney Whetstone, Ernest Gaines… there are so many, much of it depends on where my head is at and what I’m interested in. I enjoy them all for different reasons, some I simply study and try to figure out how they were able to do certain things with the twist of a word.

What has been the reaction of your family & friends to your success as a writer & after reading your books?

Ha! My family… two daughters and a son… still want to know when dinner will be ready, can I babysit, are there any clean socks…. Sigh… My mom and my sister however, have it in their heads that I’m famous! Hehe.

One last question…what are three things your fans don’t know about you?

Now if I told you they would know!!!


I’m really very shy, you have no idea!

Doing book signings even after 18 years still freaks me out.

I went to Catholic school for 12 years and I’m sure it somehow warped me! I’m loaded with Catholic guilt! lol

Thank you again for taking time out of your busy to schedule to allow me and your other fans a peak into the life and times of Donna Hill. I wish you continued success!


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