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Buzzin' about with Ti Kendrick Randall

Hello Ti! Thank you for allowing me to spotlight you on All the Buzz! It is truly a pleasure.

Tell me about psalms in L major.

I’m really proud of this work. psalms in L major is my second collection of poetry and is the first of mine that focuses exclusively on “love” in it’s various stages of development. It chronicles a relationship from the point of friendship on through “we’ve been at this for a while and it sure does get hard sometimes…”

What really excites me about this project is that I was able to be completely transparent for ALL to see. 90% of these poems were poems written for one particular person during our relationship. My feelings for him (at that time) shout out through the pages and even though we are no longer together, it was poetry that I knew that others could relate to.

The title takes on a biblical tone and is meant to reference the poetry/songs of worship and praise that David wrote for the Lord that sprang out of his earnest love for Him. In relationships, we take on that “worshipful” motif and I’m pleased that I could relay that to the readers.

How long have you been writing poetry?

I’m told that my first poem was “written” when I was three years old. My mother would write down the words that I would dictate. The first poem that I remember writing was published in the school newsletter when I was five. It was about Cherry Jello. Ha!

Poetry became a passion of mine in High School and has continued as my first love until today.

Do you plan to try your hand at writing a novel?

Absolutely! I actually have two in the works. I have so many stories to tell that they can’t all be contained in one or two forms. Poetry is special to me, so is playwriting; however, some stories just beg to be novels. I will definitely come back and share with All the Buzz when I can let those kittens out of the bag.

What message do you hope to convey through your poetry?

Each poem speaks for itself. I’m not the writer that does “love poems” or “political poems”, etc. I write what is on my heart and mind at that moment. I’ve written about domestic violence, child abuse, love and romance, being a mother to my child, hard days at work; the list goes on. My main focus with a piece is that the message (whatever it may be) is something that others can relate to and have an emotional reaction to. I want the readers to FEEL something when they read my poetry.

Who are some of your favorite poets, and how do they influence your work?

There are famed poets like Nikki Giovanni and Sonia Sanchez that I admire greatly. They influenced me to find my own unique voice through my words. Lately, more of my influences come from my immediate peers. Those I can share with and learn from on a regular basis through blogs, groups, venues, etc. I appreciate the immediacy of our exchanges and the way we interact with and encourage each other. I love reading new works and becoming inspired by them to stretch a style or try something new. As poets, we make a mistake when we write in a bubble. We need outside communication to continue to grow.

When you are not writing poetry, what keeps you busy?

When I am not writing poetry, I’m writing something else. Under the umbrella of my companies dot-K Consulting and dot-K Ministries, there are several segments that occupy my time. I write novels and play; I’m also a freelance journalist. In addition to that, I perform quite a bit of editing for other writers (fiction and non-fiction). I also do graphic design and layout for those who need assistance putting the finishing touches on their book projects. Outside of writing projects in general, I am a mother to a wonderful child and I serve in ministry as a workshop presenter and conference speaker.

Does your faith play a role in what you write, and if so, how?

Certainly. My faith is a part of who I am as a person. I would find it difficult to not be “me” in writing. That is not to say that everything I write is “spiritual”, it isn’t. , I most definitely utilize the work that is to the fullest whenever the time and space exists – and sometimes that is pretty often.

What I love about God is that He has given us diversity in our gifts and diversity in our purpose for those gifts. I’m excited to share any and everything that He has given me (whether considered “spiritual” or not) to all who will hear.

What has your literary experience been like so far?

I have received an outpouring of love and support for both of my books. When ph balanced: poetry and haiku was released, I was new to self-publishing but still managed to garner this groundswell of encouragement that was completely unexpected. I capitalized on that positive experience and seek to do even more with psalms in L major. My book tour is still forming and I have completed several cities across the country thus far. If any book club would like me to come to their city, I’m happy to go. The amount of support that exists for African-American novelists and poets is amazing. I’m thankful for everyone who has lent a hand to me along the way.

What is the one thing that you know now that you wish you had known when you first started out?

I wish I hadn’t backed into the educational opportunities for those who aspire to be writers. I’m only now, in my mid-30’s, formally studying creative writing at the college level. The importance of that background for someone who wishes to be a working artist, is something that I began to realize and learn in the last couple of years. I would encourage anyone who desires a professional career in the arts to seek formal training. It opens doors.

If you had to write your life story, what would the title be? How does that title portray your story?

That’s a great question. At this stage in my life, I would have to title that story “Higher.” I have seen myself grow and achieve from one level to the next continuously and constantly. I don’t believe in complacency. I need to move, grow, learn, develop in all aspects of my life. I see myself doing that and it’s a wonderful feeling to notice progress. I hope that always continues.

Thank you again for chatting with me on All the Buzz! I wish you success in all that you do!

Thank YOU so much and great success to All the Buzz! I appreciate the time you have given me. READERS: Please reach out to me on MySpace at and if interested in my books, they may be purchased at

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Peace Ti

    Congratulations on your success. We are blessed to be in your midst.

    Love & Light,

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