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Buzzin' about with Kendra Norman Bellamy

Hello Kendra! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to spotlight you on All the Buzz. I have been a fan of your work for quite some time now.

Thank you for inviting me, Renee. I’m honored to know that you have read and embraced my work. Your endorsement is appreciated.

First, you have a new book out called Battle of Jericho. Please tell me more about it.

There are very strong messages on love, discipleship and forgiveness in this story. Battle of Jericho highlights the life of Master Sergeant Peter Jericho, a twenty-year Marine veteran who has been deployed to Iraq for the third time since the war began. Prior to the start of his latest tour of duty, Pete allows an ongoing, senseless dispute between him and his spouse to spiral out of control and unravel the threads their once-solid marriage, sending his wife and daughter to live with his mother-in-law in an infamous community in Atlanta called Shelton Heights. More than a year later, and with only a few weeks left before he is to return to the States, Pete makes the decision to re-establish his strong faith in God, swallow his pride, and fight to reclaim the family he loves. But without warning, his plans are brought to an abrupt halt when Pete finds himself a captured prisoner of war. With fellow captured comrades being slaughtered by enemy forces on a daily basis, Pete realizes that he is in the three-fold battle of his lifetime: physically, mentally and spiritually.

Of all the novels you’ve written, which one is your favorite and why?

I get that question often and for me, it’s like asking me which of my daughters is my favorite. It’s an impossible question to answer. Honestly, I don’t have a favorite book among those that I’ve written. I love them all equally. I do, however, have favorite characters and my favorite created characters appear in my “Grace Series” (For Love & Grace, Because of Grace, and More Than Grace). Normally, at any given time, my most recent project is the one I’m most proud of and that’s the way it is right now with Battle of Jericho. This is a story that I felt compelled to write. During some of my days of crafting it, I had a heavy heart. I wrote this book with the hope that all of our country’s military men and women who read it, will feel my gratefulness and appreciation for what they do on a daily basis. I want Battle of Jericho to, in some way, pay homage to them for their bravery and selflessness. They are heroes in the truest sense of the word.

Were any of your novels hard to write? Why or why not?

I wouldn’t categorize any of them as difficult to write, per se. Challenging would be a much better word for it and I’ve had a couple of books to fit that bill. The first was In Greene Pastures. That one had me sampling new waters, so to speak. It was my first attempt at writing a book where suspense was the larger ingredient. I gained a new appreciation for mystery writers as I crafted that novel. On average, it takes me around four months to complete a novel. In Greene Pastures took just over six months. Battle of Jericho was my other challenge. This one tested me on a different level. It was my first time tackling such a matter that was so closely associated with death on such a broad scale. I was in contact with soldiers who were actively serving in Iraq when I wrote the book and I wanted to make it as authentic as possible. What our soldiers are dealing with over there doesn’t paint a pretty picture. Having to come face to face with the woes of war was extremely challenging as I wrote this novel. In my opinion, every soldier should have a strong walk with the Lord. I can’t imagine how they would dare to put themselves in such danger without having an established personal relationship with God.

Why do you write?

Because I don’t have a choice. That may sound cliché or even foolish to some, but in my life, I know it to be the truth. For me, writing isn’t just a hobby or pastime, it’s my divine destiny, my purpose and my passion. Writing isn’t just what I do, it’s who I am.

What message do you hope to convey to readers?

In each book that I write, there is a positive message that I hope readers will walk away having received. The one common message that I seek to transmit is that God is more powerful than any adverse situation that we can ever face. Absolutely nothing is impossible for Him. Trusting in the Lord is our most effective means of survival.

Since you are a Christian Fiction author, do you only read other novels in that genre, or are you a fan of romance, mystery, etc.?

My favorite themes are romance, mystery and drama; and while I write Christian fiction, you’ll find a healthy mix of those three elements in most of the books that I write. I don’t solely read Christian fiction, but because of its inspirational message and its Christ-centered theme, it is the genre that I read and respect most.

Who are some of your favorite authors and how do they influence your writing?

My all-time favorite writer is Maya Angelou. Her poetry was among the first writings that I fell in love with as a young reader. Her novel, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, is my favorite book. Most of my favorite contemporary authors are in the Christian fiction genre. I have a strong appreciation for the works of Victoria Christopher Murray, Jacquelin Thomas, Patricia Haley and Tia McCollors, to name a few. In recent years, a plethora of new Christian fiction authors have come on the scene. I’ve enjoyed reading some of their works as well. While I’ve certainly been encouraged by other writers, I don’t know that my writing has been influenced by the writing of any other author. But I have a deep respect for those who master the craft.

How has your life changed since becoming a published author?

Writing has had a great impact on my life. It seems that the mode of my existence has been on fast forward ever since I began putting pen to paper as a profession. Becoming a published author forced me out of my shell of shyness and pushed me into boldness, so to speak. Through my writing, God has truly made the whole world my pulpit. Prior to walking in my divine calling, I’d never done any extensive travel. As a matter of fact, I’d never even been on an airplane before. I was 38 years old before taking my first flight back in 2004, and that flight was to promote my first mainstream published novel. This gift has made me a world traveler; not only visiting major cities all across the U.S., but also journeying outside of the country as I promote my novels. Because of my career, I’ve been blessed to meet a lot of people – those of celebrity status and those not – that have played an intricate part in making this a wonderfully rewarding time of my life.

In addition to being an author, I know that you are also involved in other aspects of the Christian ministry. Can you tell me more about all of your endeavors, including the gospel cruise, Cruisin’ for Christ?

Denzel Washington once said, “I am very proud to be black, but black is not all I am.” I often echo that sentiment when it comes to my career because although I am proud to be an author, who I am is not limited to that. God has given me a multifaceted ministry that began with fiction writing and has expanded to include teaching workshops to aspiring and published writers (The Writer’s Cocoon), establishing an online support system to other writers (The Writer’s Hut) and organizing an awesome mission that celebrates Christian artistries as a whole. That’s where the newest arm of my ministry, Cruisin’ For Christ, comes in. I founded this mission-at-sea in 2006 and the inaugural voyage set sail in 2007. Onboard with me and those who registered for the cruise were some of the hottest names in gospel music as well as award-winning poets, bestselling authors, and national stage actors and comedians. God met us on the water and it was a phenomenal success. This year will mark our sophomore launch. Cruisin’ For Christ II is set for August 2-9, 2008 and some of this year’s featured guests are: Stellar Award winners, Myron Butler & Levi, Dove and Stellar Award winner, Melvin Williams (from The Williams Brothers), gospel legend, Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Stellar nominee, Marcus Cole (from Commissioned), the legendary mime ministry of K&K Mime, national comedian, Willie Brown & Woody (from HBO’s Def Comedy Jam), Brian Hurst (from Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes To Jail), bestselling author ministry, Anointed Authors on Tour, and many, many more. Cruisin’ for Christ is a uniquely amazing adventure with scheduled events for whole family enjoyment. Those interested in experiencing it with us can log on to

As I’m sure you know, there are many who are not a fan of the Christian fiction genre because they believe that the term “Christian fiction” is an oxymoron. What do you say in defense of this?

You know, I don’t even try to defend Christian fiction. I don’t think it needs defending; it speaks for itself. The few times that people have challenged me on the legitimacy of Christian fiction, I’ve directed them to scripture. Many times in the Bible, Jesus spoke in parables, stories He created to serve as examples that His disciples and other listeners could relate to for whatever point Jesus was trying to get across to them at the time. Just because those parables were metaphoric or symbolic in nature, didn’t lessen the authenticity of Christ. Neither does Christian fiction. If a doubter still refuses to accept Christian fiction as what it is, I don’t get into debates with them. Christian fiction, just like salvation, is available for all mankind to experience for themselves. All that we, as followers of Christ can do is point people in the right direction. It’s up to each individual to accept the invitation.

What’s next from Kendra Norman Bellamy?

Literarily speaking, I’m working on completing two novels that will unveil in 2009. The third and final book in the Shelton Heights series, The Lyons Den, will release in April, while The Morning After, the sequel to another of my novels called Three Fifty-Seven A.M., will release in December. In addition to those novels, I am a participant in a half-book project (a two-story anthology) that will also release in April of 2009. My offering in the novel is a romantic story called When Violets Turn Red. On a ministry level, I’m working on finalizing all of the details for Cruisin’ For Christ II. I’m particularly excited about this year’s cruise because the enemy has really fought to try and prevent it from coming to fruition. Therefore, I know that an awesome move of God awaits us.

Thank you again Kendra for chatting with me on All the Buzz. It has truly been a pleasure. I wish you continued success in all that you do.

The pleasure is mine, Renee. I wish All the Buzz the absolute best that God has to offer. Keep up the good work!


  1. Dwan Abrams said...
    You're always such an inspiration. I really enjoyed this interview. I echo your sentiments about not having to defend Christian fiction. The majority of black people have some sort of spiritual belief system. Therefore, I don't understand the attack on Christian fiction, especially in the AA community. We talk about making positive changes, but it seems to be just that...lip service.

    Dwan Abrams
    Urban Christian Author
    Tyora Moody said...
    Great interview Kendra. You are indeed an inspiration! Thank you for elevating Christian Fiction to the next level.

    Tyora Moody
    Anonymous said...
    You are really doing great things in the kingdom. Congratulations on all your accomplishments. Many blessings on the cruise.
    Anonymous said...

    Great interview! I couldn't agree with you more that Christian fiction speaks for itself and that it shouldn't need to be defended. Keep up the good work!

    Maurice Gray
    Author of All Things Work Together
    Anonymous said...

    Great interview! I couldn't agree with you more that Christian fiction speaks for itself and that it shouldn't need to be defended. Keep up the good work!

    Maurice Gray
    Author of All Things Work Together
    Anonymous said...
    Great interview always your words are an inspiration to us newbies out here!

    Fon James

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