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Buzzin' about with Tia McCollors

Hello Tia and thank you for joining me on All the Buzz! It’s a pleasure to have you.

First, tell me all about your latest release, The Truth About Love.

The Truth About Love is the sequel to my second novel, Zora’s Cry. But readers wouldn’t have had to read the first book to grow to know and love the four women who’ve allowed us to take a peek into their lives. Best friends Paula, Belinda, Zora and Monet have depended on their faith and each other when times got hard.

Paula Manns’ marriage is in shambles and she’s not sure if it can be repaired.

Belinda Stokes’ teenage stepson seems to want nothing more than to make her life miserable, and it’s causing more drama than her marriage has ever experienced.

Zora Fields has finally accepted her adoption and is settled into being a wife when her husband announces his call to the ministry. Now Zora wonders if she has what it takes to walk beside him.

Monét Sullivan is seeing first-hand that marriage can be work. Her boyfriend wants to ride the fast track to marriage, but Monét is putting on the brakes – until things make her rethink her priorities.

When it seems that life is dealing them blows that only real love can conquer, it’s only then that they find out how powerful love can be.

Who designs your covers?

My covers are designed by freelance graphic artists who are contracted with my publisher (Moody Publishers). So far, all of my covers have been both beautiful and accurate depictions of the characters and message in my books. From the first time I saw the cover for The Truth About Love, I was in awe. It looks like a piece of art!

How long does it take you to write a novel?

When I’m focused and set a schedule for my writing, I usually complete the first draft of a novel within nine months. My second novel took twelve months because I was adjusting to being a new mother and had to learn how to balance being a wife, mother, and an author.

What kind of research goes into your works?

The basis and message of my novels are always something that God has given me. After His divine inspiration, I search my Bible for the scriptural basis that I believe needs to come across in the book. On the craft side of the writing, I’ve had to research the settings of the book to make sure my locations and information about the cities are accurate.

What message do you hope comes shining through in all of your novels?

When the last page is turned, I pray my novels have led readers to a closer relationship with God. Recently I’ve been using the tagline that my books are a sweet blend of faith and fiction. Why? Because I want people to “….taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him.” (Psalms 34:8)

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything about your latest book?

No! Absolutely not!

Of all of your books, which is your favorite and why?

That’s kind of like asking a mother which child is their favorite! I love all of my books equally, but for different reasons – maybe for what they bring (or brought) to my life, and for the different attributes, message, and purpose they carry.

When did you know that you wanted to be a writer?

From elementary school age I remember my teachers saying that I had a gift for writing. I knew it was a natural talent, but it wasn’t until I started praying about my life’s purpose in 1998 that my eyes were open to my calling of being an author. Before that I obtained a degree in Journalism and Mass Communications and worked ten years in the corporate arena as a public relations professional.

What aspect of writing brings you the most joy?

The creative side of being able to craft and mold a story is very enjoyable for me. I’ve learned to have fun with it and let things flow out during the first draft. The real work comes when I have to go back and edit.

What are your writing habits? Do you have to have complete silence or do you have music playing? Do you only write at certain times of the day? Set the mood for us. J

As a mother to a busy two-year-old son and another child on the way, I grab writing time whenever and however I can. But I never write in complete silence. If I don’t have music playing low, then I have the television turned down – almost barely audible – in the background. I tend to write best when everyone else in the house is either gone or asleep. Sometimes that’s at night, sometimes it’s in the morning.

Thank you again Tia for chatting with me on All the Buzz! I wish you continued success in all that you do.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Great interview, very inspiring. I look forward to reading The Truth About Love.


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