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Buzzin' about with Gayle Jackson Sloan

Hi Gayle! Thank you for agreeing to chat with me on All the Buzz. I’m a huge fan of both of your previous novels, so it is truly an honor for me to interview you.

Now that you have published your third novel, what are your thoughts on the literary industry, and are your thoughts/feelings different from when you first entered the writing world?

Thank you for having me, Renee, I really appreciate it! Wow, good question. Yes, my feelings are absolutely different from when I first started. I was so naïve back then, that I believed that everyone was my friend and had my best interest in mind. HA! Nothing could be further from the truth. But, everything is in divine order and has happened as it’s supposed to, I guess.

Do you ever question your decision to become a writer? If so, what do you do when those doubts arise?

Sure do! In fact, I was ready to pack it all in not too long ago. My husband talked me off the ledge. And recently, when I had a tribulation, some of my literary angels came to my rescue in ways I would never have imagined and I found out who my REAL friends are.

Since it seems to be hard getting a contract with a major publishing company, what would you recommend to aspiring authors – self-publishing or persevere in the quest for a major publisher?

As soon as I get one, I’ll let you know!

How hard is it come up with story after story, something that you hope will enthrall readers?

For some, it seems relatively easy. For me, it sometimes is hard. I think every story has been told. You just have to find a way to tell it from a different angle or spin to make it fresh.

What has been the response to your first two published works?

For those that have actually read them, good. Between the two books, I have actually only gotten ONE bad review.

What has been your most rewarding experience so far?

Meeting some really cool people, other authors that I admire who have actually become good friends.

Who are some of your favorite authors, and do they influence your writing in any way?

See, now you want to get me in trouble because if I forget somebody, they might catch some feelings! LOL Seriously, Leslie Esdaile Banks, aka LA Banks, Lissa Woodson, aka Naleighna Kai, JD Mason, Tina Brooks McKinney, Michelle McGriff, Victoria Wells, and others are among my favorites and yes, I’ve learned a lot from them and their style of writing.

What is a normal day in the life of Gayle Jackson Sloan?

Working on the plantation, trying to set up signings on the low and occasionally, getting a chance to actually WRITE.

What are three things your readers don’t know about you?

Wow, I don’t know! LOL

Again, thank you for chatting with me on All the Buzz! I wish you continued success and prosperity in all that you do.

Thanks for having me!

Visit Gayle at!

1 Comment:

  1. Tifany said...
    Hey Renee. Great interview. I love the questions. You will be awesome on air :)

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